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Can I Use My Air Fryer For Reheating Leftovers?

If you’re a fan of air frying and often find yourself with a pile of delicious leftovers, you may have wondered, “Can I use my air fryer for reheating those yummy meals?” Well, the answer is yes! Air fryers are not only great for cooking crispy and golden dishes, but they also work wonders when it comes to reheating last night’s dinner. With their quick and efficient hot air circulation, you can enjoy crispy and evenly heated leftovers without the need for oil or excessive waiting time. So, grab those Tupperware containers, fire up your air fryer, and get ready to rediscover the magic of reheated meals in a whole new way.

Can I Use My Air Fryer For Reheating Leftovers?

If you are a proud owner of an air fryer, you might be wondering if you can put it to use for reheating your leftover meals. The answer to your question is a resounding yes! Using an air fryer to reheat leftovers is not only convenient but also results in crispy, delicious dishes that retain their original flavors. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the benefits of using an air fryer, the types of food that can be reheated in it, the proper methods to reheat leftovers, and even consider some alternative methods. So let’s dive in and discover everything there is to know about reheating leftovers in an air fryer!

What is an Air Fryer?


An air fryer is a compact kitchen appliance that uses hot air circulation to cook food while giving it a crispy, fried-like texture. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as a healthier alternative to traditional deep-frying methods. With the use of a minimal amount of oil, an air fryer can produce food that tastes remarkably similar to fried food, but with significantly less fat content.

How does it work?

The concept behind an air fryer is simple yet effective. It features a heating element that produces hot air combined with a powerful fan that circulates this air around the food. The rapid circulation of hot air creates a convection effect, similar to that of a traditional oven but on a smaller scale. As a result, the food is evenly cooked and crisped up, giving you that enjoyable texture without the need for excessive oil.

Benefits of Using an Air Fryer

Healthier Option

One of the key benefits of using an air fryer is its ability to provide a healthier cooking method. By using minimal or no oil, an air fryer significantly reduces the amount of unhealthy fats typically associated with deep-frying. This makes it an excellent option for those who are conscious about their dietary intake or are looking to make healthier choices without sacrificing flavor and texture.

Faster Cooking Time

Compared to traditional cooking methods, air fryers offer a significantly faster cooking time. The hot air circulation within the appliance allows for quicker heat transfer, reducing the overall cooking time required. This is especially useful for reheating leftovers as it saves you time and ensures you can enjoy your meal in no time.


Air fryers are incredibly versatile appliances, making them suitable for reheating a wide range of foods. From fried foods to baked goods, pizza to roasted vegetables, and even French fries, an air fryer can handle it all. It allows you to reheat leftovers from a variety of cuisines while maintaining their original flavors and textures.

Types of Food That Can Be Reheated in an Air Fryer

Fried Foods

For all the fried food lovers out there, an air fryer is a game-changer when it comes to reheating leftovers. Whether it’s chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, or even samosas, an air fryer will give your leftovers that coveted crunchy exterior while keeping the insides tender and flavorful.

Baked Goods

If you have leftover pastries, bread rolls, or even pizza, reheating them in an air fryer is an excellent choice. The hot air circulation creates a crispy and evenly heated exterior, while the inside remains soft and delicious. Say goodbye to soggy reheated pizza crusts!


Pizza is a staple leftover food, and an air fryer can breathe new life into those slices. Simply place the pizza in the air fryer basket and let it cook for a few minutes. The result? Crispy crust, melty cheese, and reheated toppings that are just as tasty as the first time around.

Roasted Vegetables

Leftover roasted vegetables can lose their crispness and become mushy when reheated in an oven or microwave. However, an air fryer can bring them back to life by giving them a nice crisp texture while retaining their flavors. Perfect for those seeking a healthy and quick vegetable side dish.

French Fries

If you have some leftover French fries that became limp in the fridge, an air fryer can work wonders in restoring their crispy texture. Just a few minutes in the air fryer, and your fries will be hot, crunchy, and ready to be enjoyed once again.

How to Reheat Leftovers in an Air Fryer


Before reheating your leftovers in an air fryer, there are a few preparation steps to ensure the best results. First, remove any plastic or aluminum foil packaging from the food. Transfer the leftovers into the air fryer basket or tray, making sure to spread them out evenly for proper cooking. If desired, you can lightly drizzle or spray a small amount of oil on the food to enhance its crispiness, although this step is optional.

Temperature and Time

The optimal temperature and cooking time for reheating leftovers in an air fryer may vary depending on the specific food. As a general guideline, preheat the air fryer to around 350°F (175°C) and cook the food for five to ten minutes. It’s essential to keep an eye on the food as it reheats to prevent overcooking or burning. If the food appears to be reheated unevenly, you can gently shake the air fryer basket or tray to redistribute the heat.

Tips for Best Results

To achieve the best results when reheating leftovers in an air fryer, here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket or tray, as this can lead to uneven heating and prolong the cooking time.

  2. Consider covering the leftovers with aluminum foil during the initial stages of reheating to prevent excessive browning or drying out.

  3. Experiment with the cooking time and temperature based on the specific food you are reheating. Some foods may require a slightly higher temperature or longer cooking time to reach the desired level of crispiness.

  4. For larger food items, such as a whole slice of pizza or stuffed pastry, you may need to adjust the position of the food halfway through the cooking time to ensure even reheating.

Things to Consider Before Reheating Leftovers in an Air Fryer

Food Safety

While reheating leftovers in an air fryer can be convenient and result in delicious meals, it’s crucial to prioritize food safety. Make sure the leftovers were stored properly in the refrigerator before reheating. Additionally, thoroughly reheat the food to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any potential bacteria and ensure a safe consumption.

Texture and Taste

Although an air fryer can deliver exceptional results, some types of food may experience slight texture and taste changes when reheated in it. For example, reheated breaded items may not be as crispy as when they were freshly cooked. It’s essential to manage your expectations and understand that while an air fryer can enhance the texture of leftovers, it might not always recreate the exact original taste and consistency.

Air Fryer Size

The size of your air fryer can impact the amount of leftovers you can reheat in one go. If you own a smaller air fryer, you may need to reheat the leftovers in batches, which can be time-consuming. Consider the size of your air fryer and the quantity of leftovers you typically have before deciding to use it for reheating purposes.

Potential Drawbacks of Reheating Leftovers in an Air Fryer

Possibility of Overcooking

One potential drawback of reheating leftovers in an air fryer is the risk of overcooking. The food can quickly become dry or lose its texture if left in the air fryer for too long. It’s crucial to monitor the reheating process closely and remove the food as soon as it reaches the desired level of warmth and crispiness.

Limited Capacity

Air fryers come in various sizes, and it’s essential to consider the capacity of your appliance before reheating leftovers. If you have a large family or frequently have a substantial number of leftovers, you might find yourself reheating food in multiple batches. This can be time-consuming and may not be the most efficient option for reheating large quantities of food in one go.

Uneven Heating

Another potential drawback is that certain foods may not reheat evenly in an air fryer. Foods with different textures or thicknesses may require additional attention to ensure they heat through uniformly. It may be necessary to adjust the cooking time, position the food differently, or even rely on alternative reheating methods for those specific items.

Alternative Methods to Reheat Leftovers


The microwave is the go-to appliance for reheating leftovers due to its convenience and speed. It can quickly warm up your food, but keep in mind that it may result in a loss of texture, especially for items that are meant to be crispy. Microwaving can create a moist environment, causing foods like pizza or fries to become soggy.


The oven is an excellent alternative for reheating leftovers, particularly for larger food items or dishes. It allows for more even heating and can help maintain the original texture and flavor. However, the oven generally takes longer to preheat and reheat, making it a less efficient option for quick meals.


Reheating leftovers on the stovetop can be a viable option for certain foods, especially soups, sauces, and stews. Using a pot or pan, you can gently heat the leftovers over low to medium heat, ensuring even warming and preserving the texture and taste. This method is particularly useful when dealing with delicate foods that require gentle reheating.


In conclusion, your air fryer can indeed be a valuable tool for reheating leftovers. Its ability to provide a crispy, fried-like texture while reducing the amount of oil used makes it a healthier and convenient option. From fried foods to baked goods, pizza to roasted vegetables, an air fryer can handle a wide variety of foods. However, it’s essential to consider food safety, manage your expectations regarding texture and taste, and be mindful of the size and capacity of your air fryer. Alternative methods such as microwaving, oven reheating, or stovetop warming can also be suitable options depending on the food type and your preferences. So go ahead and give your air fryer a try for reheating those delicious leftovers, and enjoy a rejuvenated meal that tastes just as good as the first time around!

Hi there! I'm, and I'm delighted to be your go-to source for everything air frying. At TheAirFryerPros, we're all about uncovering the secrets to healthy eating. Whether you're a seasoned chef, a health-conscious home cook, or just starting out with air fryers, our website is here to give you expert guidance and mouthwatering inspiration. Join us as we delve into the latest air fryer models, share innovative cooking techniques, and provide in-depth product reviews to help you make informed choices. From crispy appetizers to guilt-free mains and delectable desserts, I've got you covered with a treasure trove of tried-and-tested recipes. Stick with me, and let's embark on this air frying adventure together!