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Turkey Burgers With Avocado

If you haven’t tried the delicious combination of turkey burgers and creamy avocado, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple process of making these mouthwatering turkey burgers with avocado in an air fryer. With the perfect blend of juicy turkey patties and fresh avocado slices, these burgers are not only healthy but also incredibly flavorful. Get ready to sink your teeth into a nutritious and scrumptious meal that will leave you craving for more.

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To make delicious turkey burgers with avocado, you will need the following ingredients:

Ground turkey

Ground turkey is the base of this recipe, providing a lean and healthy alternative to traditional beef burgers. Opt for high-quality ground turkey for the best flavor.


Avocado adds a creamy and rich element to the turkey burger. Slice it up and place it on top of the patty for a burst of flavor and texture.


Breadcrumbs help bind the turkey burger mixture together and add a subtle texture. Use regular or panko breadcrumbs for best results.


Egg acts as a binder in the turkey burger patties, ensuring they hold their shape during cooking. Be sure to mix it in thoroughly with the other ingredients.

Red onion

Finely chopped red onion adds a mild and slightly sweet flavor to the turkey burgers. It also provides a nice crunch.


Minced garlic adds a delicious aromatic element to the turkey burgers. It infuses the patties with a savory taste.


Chopped cilantro lends a fresh and herbaceous flavor to the turkey burgers. It adds a bright note that complements the other ingredients.

Lime juice

The zesty lime juice brings a tangy and refreshing taste to the turkey burgers. It balances out the richness of the avocado and turkey.

Salt and Black Pepper

Season the turkey burgers with salt and black pepper to enhance the overall flavor. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preference.

Preparing the Turkey Burger Patties

Now that you have gathered all the ingredients, let’s move on to preparing the turkey burger patties. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Combine ground turkey with breadcrumbs

In a mixing bowl, add the ground turkey and breadcrumbs. Use your hands or a spoon to thoroughly mix them together. This helps bind the mixture and adds some texture to the burgers.

Step 2: Add finely chopped red onion and minced garlic

Next, add the finely chopped red onion and minced garlic to the ground turkey mixture. Mix them in evenly so that the flavors are well distributed throughout.

Step 3: Mix in chopped cilantro and lime juice

Add the chopped cilantro and squeeze the lime juice into the turkey mixture. The cilantro adds a fresh taste, while the lime juice brings a tangy kick. Mix everything together until well combined.

Step 4: Season with salt and black pepper

Season the turkey burger mixture with salt and black pepper. Start with a small amount and gradually add more to taste. Remember, you can always adjust the seasoning later, so start with a conservative amount.

Step 5: Form the mixture into burger patties

Divide the turkey burger mixture into equal portions and shape them into round patties. Be sure to make them even in size so that they cook uniformly. The patties should be thick enough to hold their shape without falling apart.

Cooking the Turkey Burgers

Now that you have your perfectly shaped turkey burger patties, it’s time to cook them to perfection. If you have an air fryer, follow these steps:

Step 1: Preheat the air fryer

Preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature for cooking burgers. This ensures that the patties cook evenly and develop a nicely browned exterior.

Step 2: Place the turkey burger patties in the air fryer

Carefully place the turkey burger patties in the air fryer basket, leaving some space between each patty. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly around them and ensures even cooking.

Step 3: Cook the patties at a high temperature

Set the air fryer to the recommended temperature for cooking turkey burgers and cook them for the specified amount of time. This typically ranges from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the patties.

Step 4: Flip the burgers halfway through cooking

Carefully flip the turkey burger patties using a spatula or tongs to ensure they cook evenly on both sides. This step helps achieve a lovely golden brown color and a delicious crust.

Step 5: Ensure the burgers reach an internal temperature of 165°F

To ensure that the turkey burgers are fully cooked and safe to eat, use a meat thermometer to check their internal temperature. They should reach a minimum internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure that any harmful bacteria are destroyed.

Assembling the Burger

Now that your turkey burgers are perfectly cooked, it’s time to assemble your delicious creation. Here’s how:

Step 1: Choose your burger buns

Select your favorite burger buns or opt for a healthier alternative like lettuce wraps or whole wheat buns. Whatever your preference, the choice is yours!

Step 2: Slice the avocado

Take a ripe avocado, cut it in half, and remove the pit. Carefully slice the avocado into thin pieces. This will be the delicious, creamy topping for your turkey burger.

Step 3: Toast the burger buns

If you prefer your burger buns toasted, now is the time to do it. Place the buns on the grill or in a toaster to achieve a slightly crispy texture.

Step 4: Place the turkey patty on the bottom bun

Take one cooked turkey patty and place it on the bottom half of the burger bun. The bottom bun provides a sturdy base for all the delicious layers of the burger.

Step 5: Add sliced avocado on top of the patty

Take a few slices of avocado and place them on top of the turkey patty. The creamy texture and mild flavor of the avocado beautifully complement the turkey.

Step 6: Add any desired toppings or condiments

Now it’s time to get creative! Add any toppings or condiments you desire, such as lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, or your favorite sauce. This is where you can truly personalize your turkey burger.

Step 7: Place the top bun on the burger

Gently place the top half of the burger bun on top of your masterpiece. The bun completes the burger and holds all the delicious ingredients together.

Serving Suggestions

Now that your turkey burger with avocado is ready to be enjoyed, here are a few serving suggestions to complete your meal:

Serve the turkey burger with a side of sweet potato fries

Sweet potato fries make a tasty and nutritious side dish for your turkey burger. Cut sweet potatoes into sticks, season them with your favorite spices, and bake or air fry them until crispy.

Serve the burger with a fresh salad

Balance out the richness of the turkey burger with a side salad. Use a mix of fresh greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and your choice of dressing for a refreshing and healthy accompaniment.

Pair the burger with a refreshing iced tea

Cool down and quench your thirst by pairing your turkey burger with a tall glass of homemade iced tea. Add a squeeze of lemon or a sprig of mint to add an extra burst of flavor.

Tips for Success

To ensure your turkey burgers with avocado are a hit every time, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Choose high-quality ground turkey for the best flavor

Using high-quality, lean ground turkey will enhance the taste and texture of your burgers. Look for ground turkey that is not overly processed and has minimal fillers.

Ensure the turkey burger patties are evenly shaped for even cooking

Take your time to shape the turkey burger patties into even rounds. This will help them cook evenly and prevent any parts from being overcooked or undercooked.

Don’t overcook the burgers to prevent them from becoming dry

Turkey can become dry if cooked for too long, so be mindful of the cooking time. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°F without overcooking the patties.

Add your favorite seasonings or spices to customize the flavor

Feel free to experiment with different seasonings or spices to add extra flavor to your turkey burgers. Add a dash of paprika, cumin, or chili powder for a smoky or spicy twist.

Experiment with different toppings and condiments for variety

Have fun exploring different toppings and condiments for your turkey burger. Try sliced cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, or even a fried egg to take your burger to the next level.

Health Benefits

Turkey burgers with avocado offer several health benefits compared to traditional beef burgers. Here are a few reasons why they are a healthier choice:

Lower in fat compared to beef burgers

Ground turkey is naturally leaner than ground beef, containing less saturated fat. By choosing turkey for your burger, you can enjoy a tasty meal without the excess fat.

Rich in lean protein

Turkey is an excellent source of lean protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. Incorporating turkey into your diet helps meet your protein needs while keeping the saturated fat intake in check.

Avocado provides healthy fats

Avocado is a nutrient-rich fruit that offers healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats contribute to heart health, improve nutrient absorption, and provide a feeling of satiety.

Turkey is a good source of various nutrients

Turkey is not only a great source of protein but also provides essential nutrients like selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B6, and niacin. These nutrients play important roles in maintaining overall health and wellbeing.


To add some variety to your turkey burger experience, here are a few delicious variations to try:

Spicy turkey burgers with jalapenos and pepper jack cheese

For those who enjoy a bit of heat, add some diced jalapenos to your turkey burger mixture. Top it off with melted pepper jack cheese for an extra kick.

Mediterranean-inspired turkey burgers with feta cheese and tzatziki sauce

Give your turkey burger a Mediterranean twist by mixing in crumbled feta cheese into the turkey patty mixture. Serve with a dollop of cooling tzatziki sauce and some fresh cucumber slices.

Mexican-style turkey burgers with salsa and guacamole

Infuse your turkey burgers with Mexican flavors by adding a spoonful of your favorite salsa into the turkey mixture. Top it with some homemade guacamole and enjoy a burst of zesty flavors.

BBQ turkey burgers with caramelized onions and barbecue sauce

Take your turkey burgers to a savory and smoky level by incorporating barbecue sauce into the turkey patty mixture. Top it with sweet and tangy caramelized onions for a satisfying flavor combination.

Turkey Burger FAQ

Here are answers to some common questions about turkey burgers:

Can I freeze the turkey burger patties?

Yes, you can freeze uncooked turkey burger patties. Stack the patties with wax paper in between each one, place them in a freezer bag, and store them for up to three months. When ready to cook, defrost them in the refrigerator before cooking as usual.

How long should I cook turkey burgers in the air fryer?

The cooking time for turkey burgers in an air fryer can vary depending on the size and thickness of the patties. As a general guideline, cook them for around 10 to 15 minutes at the recommended temperature. Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure they have reached 165°F for proper doneness.

What toppings go well with turkey burgers?

There are countless toppings that pair well with turkey burgers. Some popular options include lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, cheese, bacon, avocado, and various sauces such as ketchup, mustard, mayo, or barbecue sauce. Feel free to get creative and choose your favorite toppings.

Can I make turkey burgers without breadcrumbs?

Yes, you can make turkey burgers without breadcrumbs. Instead, you can use alternative binders like oats, almond flour, quinoa, or crushed crackers. These substitutions will maintain the structure of the patties while adding additional flavor and nutritional benefits.

What other cooking methods can I use for turkey burgers?

Apart from the air fryer, there are several other cooking methods for turkey burgers. You can grill them, pan-fry them, bake them in the oven, or even cook them on a stovetop griddle. Each method offers its own unique flavors and textures, so feel free to choose the one that suits your preferences and equipment availability.


Turkey burgers with avocado are a delicious and healthier alternative to traditional beef burgers. By following the simple steps of combining ground turkey with breadcrumbs, adding flavorful ingredients, and air frying them to perfection, you can create juicy and flavorful turkey burger patties. With various toppings, condiments, and side dishes to choose from, you can create a personalized and nutritious meal that satisfies your taste buds. So, gather your ingredients, fire up that air fryer, and enjoy the goodness of turkey burgers with avocado!

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